Why Do Dentists Recommend Dental Veneers?

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Your dentist, Dr. Bijan Ahmadzadeh, offers many cosmetic dental treatments at Ariel Dental to help you correct your tooth imperfections and achieve the smile of your dreams. There are many reasons why he provides these treatments at our office, but today we would like to focus on why he offers dental veneers.

Dental veneers are water-thin shells that cover your front teeth and disguise their imperfections. To tell you a little more, we would like to list the benefits associated with this successful and enhancing treatment.

Benefit No. 1: Dental veneers can correct dental issues and enhance your smile. Some of the more common dental issues veneers can fix include discolored teeth, worn teeth, chipped teeth, fractured teeth, uneven teeth, misshapen teeth and teeth with spaces between them.

Benefit No. 2: Dental veneers are very durable, reliable and perfect for your smile. Fortunately, veneers can enhance your smile for up to 25 years! They also require very little maintenance. Another benefit is that veneers are stain resistant and they are made to fit perfectly over the teeth in your smile. So, you’ll have the white and perfect appearance you desire.

Benefit No. 3: The process of placing dental veneers is easy and simple. In fact, it starts with Dr. Bijan Ahmadzadeh numbing the tooth and surrounding area. When you’re numb and ready, he will trim the outer shell of your tooth to make room for the veneer. Then, he will create your veneer and will make sure it’s perfect for the results you’d like to achieve. This process may require a couple appointments. Once your veneer is created and adjusted, your dentist will cement it into place.

So, if you have an imperfect smile and you would like to correct your tooth imperfections with dental veneers in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania, don’t be afraid to call our office at 570-689-2449 and schedule an appointment. Once you call us, you’ll be taking your first step toward the smile of your dreams. We’re so excited for you!